Pokemon ds rom hacks
Pokemon ds rom hacks

(Norman, your father, after moving in a kid making fun of Birch a new Elite 4 member) It'll be your duty to make them aware of everything that's happened. A lot of characters will act differently than you remember due to the forcefield, however only you and certain other strong-minded trainers and Pokémon will be able to notice. The game will also have new characters, including a new team that will be talked about later on, and a new Elite 4. You'll have to wait and see for more information later in the future about the story - I don't want to spoil too much this early on This is what causes Parallel Pokémon to exist. Eventually they settle for the sky of Hoenn to be their battleground, and as they both defeat each other, a huge explosion occurs, creating a giant forcefield over the top of the Hoenn region.

pokemon ds rom hacks

To give a brief summary of the story, Dialga and Palkia have had a major upset in the Sinnoh region, and thus have travelled across the world, fighting as they go. Using a new mapping tool being developed for the Generation 6 games, CTRMap (by Hello007), Pokémon Parallel Platinum will have new maps to discover, including new icy areas and places which may look different than you remember. This also isn't just going to be your generic Pokémon ROM hack story change, with a few dialogue edits and texture changes. I don't want to spoil too much, and I'm sure you don't want to be spoiled either. Now for a small insight into the game's story. (Electric/Fire-type Swampert, Steel/Fighting-type Primal Groudon, Fairy/Ice-type Mega Pidgeot) Only certain Pokémon are affected by this shift, and some might even be able to detect it, which will heavily help you on your journey through Parallel Hoenn.

pokemon ds rom hacks

This is caused by the parallel shift that has taken over Hoenn. This phenomenon causes Pokémon that you may recognise (and some you won't!) to transform into a different typing to represent a different way of life than the one you remember. The game's main feature is Parallel Forms.

pokemon ds rom hacks

I hope this thread will get you excited for the game, and show off what there is in store Development paused for quite some time, then on a fateful day in late August 2020, I decided to reboot development and rebrand the hack as Pokémon Parallel Platinum, and here we are today. This idea was ultimately scrapped, as I didn't know how I could tie in the cause of this parallel shift with Rayquaza. The original idea was to have Hoenn affected by a parallel shift and Rayquaza as a Steel/Dragon type robotic dragon. This hack was originally called Pokémon Parallel Emerald, and started development around February 2020. Let me give you a bit of insight into this hack, as well as showing off what you can expect. Hello everyone! This is Pokémon Parallel Platinum.

Pokemon ds rom hacks